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BDE-RFM214A-915 (Sub-1G Based on CC1310)

Low Power, Long Range Sub-1 GHz Module BDE-RFM214A is an ultra-low power, long-range Sub-1 GHz module targeted at low power sensors and long range applications. BDE-RFM214A integrates a high p......

BDE-RFM214A-868 (Sub-1G Based on CC1310)

Low Power, Long Range Sub-1 GHz Module BDE-RFM214A is an ultra-low power, long-range Sub-1 GHz module targeted at low power sensors and long range applications. BDE-RFM214A integrates a high performa......

BDE-RFM214A-433 (Sub-1G Based on CC1310)

Low Power, Long Range Sub-1 GHz Module BDE-RFM214A is an ultra-low power, long-range Sub-1 GHz module targeted at low power sensors and long range applications. BDE-RFM214A integrates a high p......

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