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BDE-MB1354P10X(Multi-Band with PA Based on CC1354P)

The BDE-MB1354P101 is a multi-band Sub-1GHz and 2.4GHz wireless module supporting Thread, Zigbee®, Bluetooth® 5.2 low Energy, IEEE 802.15.4g, IPv6-enabled smart objects (6LoWPAN), mio......

BDE-MB1352P7(Muti-Band, Muti-Protocol with PA Based on CC1352P7)

BDE-MB1352P7 is a multiprotocol and multi-band Sub-1GHz and 2.4-GHz wireless module series consisting of CC1352P74T0RGZ single-chip wireless microcontroller (MCU). This series provide......

BDE-RFM208P (Multi-Band with PA Based on CC1352P)

BDE-RFM208P is a multi-band wireless module which supports Sub-1G and 2.4G band. It also supports multiprotocol, such as Thread, Zigbee, Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy, IEEE 802.15.4g, IPv6......

BDE-RFM208-IN (Industrial Multi-Band Based on CC1352R)

BDE-RFM208 is a multi-band wireless module which supports Sub-1G and 2.4G band. It also supports multiprotocol, such as Thread, Zigbee, Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy, IEEE 802.15.4g, IPv6-enable......

BDE-RFM208 (Multi-Band Based on CC1352R)

BDE-RFM208 is a multi-band wireless module which supports Sub-1G and 2.4G band. It also supports multiprotocol, such as Thread, Zigbee, Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy, IEEE 802.15.4g, IPv6-en......

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